Sandy Hook Dr. Carver the odd Sandy Hook medical examiner

4 months ago

The day after 20 children (aged 6-7) and 6 adults were allegedly shot to death by a crazed psycho killer, Dr. H. Wayne Carver the Chief Medical Examiner delivered a very weird press conference after completing examinations of all the children killed in the alleged school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.

How can a Doctor look at 26 people with multiple gunshot wounds and without examining them he KNOWS they were all shot with a long rifle and NOT a hand gun?

The issue with that is the long rifle was the one they found in the trunk AFTER the murders.

Why did they use a mobile morgue that was onsite a day in advance?
Probably too many cameras in a real morgue.

Do you find it odd that the parents identified their children by being sent photographs instead of being called in to identify them in person at the morgue?
Most parents would do anything they could to say goodbye to their child’s body for some kind of closure instead of identifying via a photo.

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