Leo Moon Cosmic Child Energy Vlog

5 months ago

Leo Moon Cosmic Child Energy Vlog title is from the date September 1, 2024 Thus a new month 9 plus 8 gives us 17 the Star card with hope and clarity of vision add #1 and you get the Moon card with illusion and intuition. It is in the sign of leo Till this evening when we have pluto transit into Capricorn for the lat time in 240 years! Also Uranus in Taurus is going retrograde. The Starseed Oracle gave us the Child of the Cosmos card for some of the universal intelligence.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure News showed us an amplitude power of 16 at 12:00 AM UTC thus the Hanged Man changes his mind on the deep states loss of theri tower of power. The quality power of 19 the Sun card shining bright bringing bounty to the Earth through flowing waters and skies of blue. the frequency average is 7.73 hertz thus we have @ 17 the Star card with hope and clarity of Vision as she pours water onto the waters and the land being vulnerable between to planes of existence.

Therefore, we can say about it all is with Strength and inner wisdom we have the Leo Moon sextile Pluto returning to Capricorn While the Sun in
Virgo blazes bright as the Star of hope and clarity of vision to clear the world of fear and evil.
Schumann Resonance today Disclosure News site:
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Icons2020 as the World Turns Rumble video:"

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