What is in Chemtrails? DR Bill Deagle Who Treated Chemtrail Pilots Explains

5 months ago

Silicon Base that appears not to be found on Earth, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Bacteria, Human Plasma.

The pilots are usually have high military experience and have been “hardened” to humanity into which they have no problems whatsoever to follow any orders they are given and to never question or speak about them. They have been robotatizied by the military.

They have the technology that Hope & Tivon and Sabrina Wallace and many others are now talking about in which they can beam a signal from the towers, HAARP or Satellites that can not only track and trace you but they can send a Biocoded Signal to your DNA to effect your physiology and insert thoughts in your mind. Dr. Deagle says “and they have this technology today.” This was over 15 years ago.

For much more on Dr. Deagle see this → ***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 1 of 4


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Source: https://old.bitchute.com/video/0J5myh0qXI7W/

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