Old Man Yells at Cloud

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-Therapist Stephanie Winn joins us to debut her new course program for parents with kids caught up in gender ideology. Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) Repair is a series of online lessons to help parents understand the psychology behind gender ideology and how to reach reluctant teens. ROGDRepair.com

-America is going third world and the police and politicians are lying to our faces telling us we don't see what we can see. Apartment blocks in Colorado are being taken over by Venezuelan gangs, illegal aliens tried to hijack a school bus in San Diego this week.

-The degradation of the old and the beatifcation of the young and callow is another Cluster B/Marxist reversal of the truth that has become "new normal" in America.


-Interested in Stephanie Winn's program for parents with kids caught up in gender? Visit rogdrepair.com.

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