The final confession of wacky Stella rose the final part 2 last part yikes double yikes 😬😳 9/1/24

5 months ago

Stellaroseallday lost tapes confession she more crazier then ever she a schizo lady you y'all most definitely watch and hear of demented crazy person online Stella rose Dionne lang the crazy lady white fat Karen dimples face of Internet right in horses mouth scammer liar Stella rose ladies and gentlemen she has been exposed you guys check it out Amazon wishlist here if want to see it go to Google search 🔍 bit there if want to see whole things I've got two man that it coming back tomorrow have something on my orange few words for little Stella white fat Karen dimple's face after that woman ever not she have any more clipped gawd hope not well enjoy oh yeah there any let me know don't no one breathing nah not at all hadrly didnt hear myself another confession crazy lady train audio must watch well enjoy to me to you the source

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