Never-Trumper Tim Miller Triggered By This Clip Of JD Vance Explaining Liberal Mentality

6 months ago

Posted • September 1, 2024: Never Trumper and Bulwarker (you know this guy is a blast at birthday parties) Tim Miller thought it would be smart to call JD Vance a douchebag. Not only that, but he claimed he'd never met a bigger douchebag in his life. Take a gander: Tim Miller @Timodc: “I don’t think I’ve ever met a bigger douchebag in my life than JD Vance.” -- Now, we don't know Tim all that well but you'd think he'd know better than to tweet something like this, to walk into a self-own that rivals ones from even AOC and Eric Swalwell. This went SO badly for him. Which is great for us. -- Have you met this guy? -- See? Easy. Boom. Done. Owned. And he walked right into it. -- Do you have a mirror? We're going to guess he does not. -- You haven’t met Barack Obama it appears. HA! We see what he did there.

JD Vance attacks women “who can't have kids” because they “passed the biological period when it was possible” as “miserable” people who “have no real value system” and struggle to find “meaning.” -- hat did he say that was misogynistic? Or wrong? He is absolutely correct. The problem is that Democrats can't think properly; that is why they are unable to parse what he said. And that's pathetic. Vance told the truth and as we all know, our pals in Never Trump at at The Bulwark are not always thrilled with the truth. -- You work for Bill Kristol. 🙄 And it shows. Apparently, you don't own a mirror. Let me help you. -- Ahem.

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