September 1, 2024, Luke 10:25-37 (Full)

1 month ago

Luke 10:25-37, meaningful compassion that rebuilds, restores, and redeems another soul
. Webster's original definition of "compassion" in 1828: 'suffering with another or painful sympathy'
Luke 15:20-24, a father had compassion on his lost son and restored him
Matthew 14:14, 15:32, 20:34, Mark 1:40-41, instances where Jesus Christ had compassion on another soul and healed them or fed them
Mark 1:40-41, Jesus did not shy away from healing a leper (dangerous infectious disease), for He had compassion
Acts 10:38, Peter's summary of Jesus Christ's ministry: 'Jesus went about doing good (for God was with Him) and healing people who were oppressed by the devil'
Leviticus 19:18, Luke 10:27-29, 'love your neighbor as yourself', but 'who is your neighbor?'
Luke 10:30-37, Jesus used a parable to explain 'who is your neighbor'- Samaritans and Jews did not racially get along in those times, and yet a good Samaritan in this parable had compassion on a Jew who was a victim of a violent crime, and moved to help this Jew, with his own resources. In other words 'your neighbors' are everywhere around you, but the only neighbor who loved others as themself was the one that showed compassion.
Luke 10:35, and the good Samaritan did not do it alone- an innkeeper (and probably the rest of the staff) were also involved in helping the Jew in the parable, and the good Samaritan assisted in covering the costs (for the Samaritan, like the rest of us, also had obligations and responsibilities elsewhere with other people, and could not stay around forever)

[ songs]
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