6 months ago

Imagine a government creating a pandemic coordinated by levels of military, medical media and societal corporate coordination. Genocide has and is being covered up
Research of highly virulent pathogens is very much regulated and stated by the state department and other agencies to not be operable for danger of the obvious yet somehow all red lines and tapes where broken .– yes the worst happened millions died because of a operation to mutate bat viruses and mutate then to become human virulent .This is real.

Since this research was almost forbidden in the US Obama Fauci and Dazak moved the project to , where no rues apply only the benefits of the Chinese regime .

Injustice in the 21st century – Gain of Function research ani mutant creating pathogens -- 15 U.S. AGENCIES KNEW CHINA WAS CREATING COVID-LIKE VIRUS IN 2018

How EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology Collaborated on a Dangerous Bat Coronavirus Project

If a government and corporations can guide our medical National Institute of Health to conduct a mutated gain of function virus from creation to pandemic, how horrible is it is this is intentional? giving the enemy tool to make weapons they where already thinking about in 2015 reported by Australian news .

n 2014, NIH approved $3.7 million grant to EcoHealth on bat coronaviruses

when Wuhan researchers successfully bound a natural bat coronavirus to a human AC2 receptor in mice, they were supposed to inform the NIH, but they didn’t.

NIH cites a “limited experiment” that was conducted to test if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The laboratory mice infected with the modified bat virus “became sicker” than those infected with the unmodified bat virus.


Paul and ebright talk about them

Gain-of-function research involves extracting viruses from animals and artificially engineering them in a laboratory to make them more transmissible or deadly to humans.

SO WITH THIS “Specific Aim 3” discusses “Testing predictions of CoV inter-species transmission:”

We will test our models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments in cell culture and humanized mice. With bat-CoVs that we’ve isolated or sequenced, and using live virus or pseudovirus infection in cells of different origin or expressing different receptor molecules, we will assess potential for each isolated virus and those with receptor binding site sequence to spill over. We will do this by sequencing the spike (or other receptor binding/fusion) protein genes from all our bat-CoVs, creating mutants to identify how significantly each would need to evolve to use ACE2, CD26/DPP4 (MERS-CoV receptor) or other potential CoV receptors.

ITS THE INTENTION AND SCHEMATICS TO CREATING THE VIRUS – THE NIH ADMITS THE CREATION – The Biggest genocide in plain view the world has ever seen all started by the Barack white house given to XI while we funded his bio-offensive lab with US tax payer money paid for this biowarfare China has committed already having military personnel before the grant working there controlling the lab and the weapon creation and intentional release - while they created their own jab - the world burned and the US was hit the hardest as intended .

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