Leap Year Invention Pt 3.

6 months ago

Watch the Similarities
Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Templar Knights 1/1/1119
Google’s Date: 7/12/100 (7+12+100= 119. Match

Months Separation: 556-Julius Gaius Caesar: 655- Backwards Match

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Templar Knights 10/13/1307-
Matching 113/131
3 months 1 day between dates. 31 ends in total days

Idles of March= 113-Match (1+1+3= 5) (1+3+1= 5)- Matching 55

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Freemasonry 6/24/1717
Separation 12 days between. Born on 12th. Match

Total Months 127 first three numbers.
Born on 7/12- Backwards Match

Seconds separating 51 shows. Backwards Match 15. Illuminati= 5/1

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Illuminati 5/1/1776.
366 ending in days. Leap Year= 366 days.
1120 years. Illuminati= 120
369 shows in seconds.
Letters to #’s 301-365= 15,963-Positions of Christ on Cross

222-Christ 2/22-Date Savior passed
Ecclesiastes has 222 verses. Only book having exactly 222 verses.
Ancient Order of Druids is 222

5/1/1776 is 121st day. Illuminati found inside a leap year that would make it be the 122nd day of the year. Which means that even the devil has some level of respect for God as 121 is the year Christ passed.

Exodus is the 2nd book of the Old Testament.
It has 1213 verses. Only book that has 121 in verses

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Bohemian Grove 4/13/1872
121 show up in years. Antichrist= 121.
1666 contained in seconds. Leap Year January 1, 666
639 in minutes. Backwards Match-Letters to #’s 301-365= 15,963

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Bilderberg Group 5/29/1954.
Separation of 777 in weeks. 639 ends in minutes. Backwards Match
Letters to #’s 301-365= 15,963-Postions of Christ on Cross

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Bilderberg Group 5/30/1954
Separation of 777 in weeks.
Hours contain full Illuminati date.

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Bilderberg Group 5/31/1954
Separation of 777 in weeks. 47 shows up exactly 4 times.

(47*4= 188) 188/47= 4.
188/4= 47. Freemason Compass 47 degrees.

Devil gives some respect to God
5/29/1954 is the 149th day of year.

Iesus Christ= 150
5/30/1954 is the 150th day of year.

Iesus Christ= 150
5/31/1954 is the 151st day of year.
Jesus Christ= 151

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