Leap Year Invention Pt 4.

3 months ago

Julius Gaius Caesar-3/15/666-Templar Knights 1/1/1119.
Separation of 396 shows in hours. Backwards Match
Letters to #’s 301-365= 15,963-Postions of Christ on Cross.

Julius Gaius Caesar-3/15/666-Freemasonry 6/24/1717.
Separation 1051 years, 215 in hours. Backwards Match of the day number
Julius Gaius Caesar is born on 12
Months Separation: 1215- Julius Gaius Caesar is born on 12
Julius Gaius Caesar died on 15.
Julius Gaius Caesar dying in 666 year.
Freemasonry is 666=June= 6th month, (2+4= 6) (1+7+1+7= 16). Match

Julius Gaius Caesar-3/15/666-Illuminati 5/1/1776.
Separation of 21 ending months. Backwards Match of the day number
Julius Gaius Caesar is born on 12.
Hours show 12. Julius Gaius Caesar is born on 12
Julius Gaius Caesar-3/15/666-Aincent Order of Druids 11/28/1781.
Separation of 15 shows up in weeks and years.
Julius Gaius Caesar died on 15
Ancient Order of Druids started 11/28. Genesis 28:11 started of the Pyramids.
Some Level of respect given to the perfection of the Pyramids

Julius Gaius Caesar-3/15/666-Bohemian Grove 4/13/1872.
Separation of 12 shows up in years.
Julius Gaius Caesar is born on 12
First two Ending number in days 51. Backwards Match of the day number
Julius Gaius Caesar died on 15. Illuminati started 5/1

Bohemian Grove 4/13/1872- 1 Maccabees 13:28- Bohemian Grove trying to be perfection which failed because the date is out of order.

Julius Gaius Caesar 7/12/655-Bilderberg Group 5/29/1954.
Separation of 777 contained in minutes.
For all three days in Bilderberg Group. 12 is the first number in year.
Julius Gaius Caesar is born on 12

For all three days in Bilderberg Group 15 is the starting number in months and it’s the ending # in weeks. Julius Gaius Caesar died on 15

Bilderberg Group started on 5/29/1954 which is 149th day of year.
Devil gives some respect to God.

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