Why it took 5 years for the Falcon Heavy to fly

6 months ago

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Falcon Heavy. It’s ALMOST HERE! When it flies, it will be the most powerful and highly anticipated rocket of the 21st century.

SpaceX will be attempting the ultimate feat in rocketry, strapping three orbital class boosters together to form a heavy lift vehicle. As if that weren’t enough, the Falcon Heavy will be attempting to land ALL THREE of its massive first stages boosters, two by land one by sea.

SpaceX first announced the Falcon Heavy in 2011 saying the vehicle would be ready to launch in 2013… So why exactly has it taken five additional years to develop a rocket that’s essentially just three Falcon 9’s strapped together?

Well, we’re going to dive into what all has changed since the 2011 announcement including what specific hardware and technology had to be developed. We’re also going to compare the Falcon 9 to the Falcon Heavy in a side by side comparison and explain just why exactly there’s so much more to the Falcon Heavy than just strapping three Falcon 9’s together.

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