Article 4992 Video - Driving Versus Traveling - Sunday, September 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 4992 Video - Driving Versus Traveling - Sunday, September 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Here in a nice, succinct example, is a letter being sent to the Governor of the State of Missouri (which is not Missouri) enlightening him about the history and meaning of the legal terms involved in the issue of "driving" versus merely moving from one place to another.

We will no doubt issue similar letters in all States of the Union and we have them mocked up in template form, ready to plug in the individual information as needed.

The United States Congress (not the U.S. Congress, which is merely presuming upon the powers delegated to the American Federal Republic) was granted the power to "regulate interstate commerce". The intent was to prevent competition between the States of the Union and promote the smooth flow of business across borders.

Interstate is synonymous in this case with "international" and "commerce" means business between two incorporated entities.

You can begin to sense that the "interstate commerce clause" has nothing to do with you going to the grocery store, or, most likely, with you, period, at all.

So there is the background and the basis that they, the Federal Subcontractors and their State-of-State franchise operations, used to claim authority to regulate what? Commerce. Business between incorporated entities.

Early on there was a very substantial national debate about licensing "Drivers" who were engaged in commercial business operations and making a living off the public roads --- incorporated taxi services, courier services, truckers, businesses like Door Dash, etc., and the decision was made that yes, they were engaged in using the public roads for the profit of privately owned corporations, so they should pay back to the public for the wear and tear.

This is why commercial drivers are licensed.

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