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We head into the 2024 Presidential Election with a much more enlightened and determined group of Poll Watchers and concerned citizens, but is that enough to turn around a system mired in fraud that evolved over the past 30+ years through orchestrated efforts to deceive lawful voters and undermine America's national sovereignty.

Do Americans realize that our (s)election process is fatally flawed because a majority of our national leaders are committed globalists that see our Constitution and national sovereignty as a impediment to their vision of a world government based on Marxist/socialist ideals and managed by International Banksters, corporate fascists, political insiders, environmental NGOs, and globalist technocrats?

We need to scrap computerized voting and return to a system of: one day, in person with valid voter I.D., hand marked paper ballots, hand counted at the precinct level and verifiable by representatives of all major political parties.

For any form of mail-in ballots to be counted they must be returned in pre-authorized official envelopes that are hand signed and must be unopened until election day where they are signature verified at their home precinct as a legal pre-registered voter.

State Legislatures must take back the power that is rightfully theirs and refuse to let Governors, Courts, and Administrative Agencies dictate election rules through emergency declarations.

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