John 14 4-9 Heaven is our Hope, part 3

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Messiah will return for His bride very soon, part 3. Messiah reveals that we must embrace Heaven’s hope.

We will receive a true relationship with Yahweh the Father through His Son, the Messiah, in whom we have access.

If you have come to know me, you will know my Father also. Yeshua explained why He was the only way to Yahweh! Yeshua was, is, and always will be the perfect representation of Yahweh. To know Yeshua is in fact to know Yahweh!

Yeshua’s claim is exclusive and unmistakable. He is Yahweh’s Son. When He declared, I Am the living Elohim, the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, it forced from His disciples, and us by fiat, an unconditional response.

Yeshua has invited all of humanity to either accept or reject him. He made it abundantly clear that He can be trusted or not. He can either be accepted or rejected. There is no middle ground or any half-hearted attempts.

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