6 months ago

The practice of covering your head in a scarf or a shawl, especially for women who generally have longer hair than men, was conceived, not for dignity or aesthetic appeal, relegiuous reasons or vanity, but for another more slightly practical reason. We have all seen images over the years of every single culture's generations women all wearing head scarfs/hats and wraps on the heads and hair. We think nothing of it as you can buy a hat anywhere, and hats and scarfs are part of our collective understanding of what clothes are – but where did the idea of a ‘hat’ or head covering originate? In cold countries, you could argue that it was the weather that forced the necessity of head coverings, and this will be partly true, obviously, it will, but there is another reason that head coverings were used all over the world, and in fact why the need for a head scarf was even born……
What we have as our Synagogues, Mosques, churches and cathedrals etc, were not originally intended as such places of worship, and as we now know, we have a series of well-thought-out lies to create a his-story that seems to fit the narrative of our existence. But as we are finding out faster and faster day-by-day, there have been many many lies told to us – These churches and cathedrals were all healing centers, and their construction was so defined as to allow the harmonious & resonant frequencies of sound to reverberate around these massive structures creating a field of resonant ‘health’ – the spires and technology were not just used to harvest free energy, they were used along with the church Organ & Bell, to create a sanctuary of homeostasis – just standing in one of these magnificent buildings in its hey-day would have electrified your body and created a resonant field within the building and also outside it, that heal the bodily cells just the same way that Nikol Tesla’s technology could heal (the Lahkovski Coil) but using a different approach of harmonic resonance…
During its use, the air inside the building and out, would become highly charged……..what happens to your hair when static electricity comes into contact with you? Your hair ‘stands’ up on end caused by the static waves from a Comb or a balloon etc….(see Van der Graf generator)) now multiply that static charge inside a massive structure that was designed to move energy about inside its walls with domes as amplifiers all over the place……head scarfs were necessitated by people in the last re-set going to these healing centres the world over, for healing… they went inside the building if their head was not covered, their hair would stand up, which although quite comical, it tickles and is annoying effecting concentration etc, so they used head coverings to stop this happening…..all these old paintings of women in head scarfs from the 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th century’s were wearing them for this reason… could be quite far away from a ‘Church’ but the static could still affect the vicinity requiring your headdress remain on in the day. The practice became a habit and part of women’s dress – Muslim women do not cover their hair because the ‘Bene Ha Elohim’ or the ‘Sons of the shining ones’ liked the look of the women’s long hair, so the women had to cover it….
The Roman Amphitheatres and other such ancient sites were not for free energy harvesting of the aether, but to harvest the ‘Loosh’ energy emitted from the victims, and also audiences appreciation of, for instance Gladiators fighting to the death, or Mayan Games where the winner is executed as a special reward for winning……that mayan football game they used to play with a ball that needed to be put thru a stone hoop high up on the left and right of the ‘court’, the winners were sacrificed after this game and the loosers walked free…..thats how brainwashed these Mayan re-set denizens were, actually believing that dying was a special gift from their god after competing and winning…….same mechanisms of control and mind wiping by less reason to keep it low-key. The amphitheatres and sacrificial sites dotted about everywhere in ancient times were to harvest loosh energy from the populations of their respective city complexes. Teotihuacan, Palenque, Chichen Itza, Tenochtitlan, Tikal, Copan, Angkor Watt / Tom all of these places were ‘Capitaals’ or ‘Circuit Boards’, literally that’s what a ‘Capitaal’ is back home, a circuit board……the function of which is the layout of all the cities on earth, and all the previous cities here……the sacred ‘Nodal’ sites where these buildings are erected are only sacred to ‘Them’ (Cabal) because it’s the energy lines that their loosh is transferred via…….it wasn’t for healing during these times….only for loosh.
My guess is that during the previous re-sets and the eras of time between them, we/they didn't have a religion like we assume, their Gods lived with them for the most part, no need to hide back then, only their appearance, that's why the Anunnaki gods of egypt shape-shifted only their heads to look like animals, so that the population never associated these beings with a 'human'-looking being as the similarities would start conversation which could lead to descent of the people, whereas the Alpha Draco & Greys look 'Alien', the Anunnaki look more human......subterfuge was key.
Big love people xxx

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