9/11 Military Operations

6 months ago


1 https://archive.org/details/911truth_202409/251591/
2 https://archive.org/details/fbi-report-section-1

911 Dick Chaney to Mossad.
Israeli art students in WTC connected to September 11, 2001
This video is to wake you up.. Advertising https://youtu.be/lhVjFFOQfs8?si=3whyrobyGFGM48Um
9/11 September attacks
News - People seen a missile
2 this video needs to be cleaned up and then people might be able to see the missile
People did see this on the overpass bridge.
The people stated (It come off from right over here)
People need to question this now.
Q? missile launched from the ground, submarine or plane?
People seen missile, extra clip
Now listen to the people on the overpass bridge

Live Don Dahler it sounded like a missile
I didn't see a plane go in

Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko
1 https://youtu.be/k3DRhwRN06I?si=TmOU1nNXCkdEfLZv
2 https://youtu.be/sep-HDZoEBM?si=gz_zjGYRQlL-bN66
3 https://youtu.be/boNzLZInbjU?si=8dgSeAkNIQBkPQZU
Death of Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko
Photo overlay the picture of 911 and that's how demolition looks inside.
I have saved.
Writings of a Finnish Military Expert

WTC - Mininuke was placed below the 20th floor, and a second one was placed somewhere between the 20th and 70th floor. The bombs were thermonuclear devices and had a combined yield of about 0.5 kton (500,000 kg of TNT-equivalent) for each tower. The two bombs in the tower were detonated close in time to one another.
The bombs had a fission trigger that delivered 4% of the total yield, fusion energy providing the remaining 96% (minimal residual radiation devices).

The Department of Energy (DOE)
maintains emergency response
capabilities and assets to quickly
respond to potential nuclear and
radiological threats in the United
States. These capabilities are
primarily found at DOE’s two key
emergency response facilities—the
Remote Sensing Laboratories at
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, and
Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.
These capabilities took on
increased significance after the
attacks of September 11, 2001,
because of heightened concern that
terrorists may try to detonate a
nuclear or radiological device in a
major U.S. city. DOE is not the
only federal agency responsible for
addressing nuclear and radiological
threats. The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) is
responsible for preparing the
country to prevent and respond to
a potential nuclear or radiological
This testimony discusses (1) the
benefits of using DOE’s aerial
background radiation surveys to
enhance emergency response
capabilities and (2) the physical
security measures in place at
DOE’s two key emergency
response facilities and whether
they are consistent with DOE
guidance. It is based on GAO’s
report on DOE’s nuclear and
radiological emergency response
capabilities, issued in September
2006 (Combating Nuclear
Terrorism: Federal Efforts to
Respond to Nuclear and
Radiological Threats and to
Protect Emergency Response
Capabilities Could be
Strengthened [Washington, D.C.:
Sept. 21, 2006]).

WTC site in the days following September 11, 2001. DHS
provided the city with about $30 million in grant money to develop a
regional radiological detection and monitoring system. NYPD decided to
spend part of this money on a complete aerial survey of all five boroughs.
DOE conducted the survey in about 4 weeks in the summer of 2005,
requiring over 100 flight hours to complete at a cost of about $800,000.
According to NYPD officials, the aerial background radiation survey
exceeded their expectations, and they cited a number of significant
benefits that may help them better respond to a radiological incident. First,
NYPD officials said that in the course of conducting the survey, they
identified over 80 locations with unexplained radiological sources.

Radionuclides found in leachates of WTC girders:
Tritium, barium, beryllium, cobalt, selenium, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, zirconium, niobium, molybdenum, cadmium, antimony, cesium, bismuth, thorium, uranium

(Radionuclides found in WTC dust:)
Barium, beryllium, cobalt, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, niobium, molybdenum, cadmium, antimony, cesium, cerium, bismuth, thorium, uranium.
Workers are being denied coverage for their rare cancers as the cancers are not linked to airborne toxins in studies.
Responders worked in the hypocenter right after the attacks. These people would have received a high-dose of radiation.

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