Now The Constitution Is Dangerous And We Need A New One

6 months ago

Posted • September 1, 2024: We're old enough to remember when President Barack Obama admitted that he wanted gun control, but he was "constrained" by the Constitution. At the Democrat National Convention, Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson said that we need to "reimagine" democracy as something "more revolutionary than what our founders put down on that little piece of paper." Just yesterday, MSNBC's Chris Hayes said the Electoral College was "a national suicide pact." The Constitution sure keeps getting in the way of what Democrats want to do. That's why it's not surprising that the New York Times is entertaining the idea that the Constitution is dangerous. -- The New York Times @nytimes: “"Americans have long assumed that the Constitution could save us; a growing chorus now wonders whether we need to be saved from it," our critic writes.”

Jennifer Szalai writes in a review of USC Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky's new book, "No Democracy Lasts Forever": Originalists, as these scholars call themselves, say they are simply reacting to decades of “overreach” by “activist” judges. Liberal critics counter that interpreting the law according to what the founders (supposedly) wanted amounts to an end run around protecting and promoting a multiracial democracy. The attorney and columnist Madiba K. Dennie argues that originalists’ canny use of apolitical language ensnares liberals into treating originalism as coherent jurisprudence, even when it functions more like an “ideology.” Far from encouraging “judicial restraint,” she writes in “The Originalism Trap,” originalism is much more effective in “restraining judges from doing good things.” -- Define "good things." Chemerinsky stopped by MSNBC's "Morning Joe" to promote his book and argue that America needs a new Constitution. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Now the Constitution Is Dangerous and We Need a New One

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