Report Lower Little River

4 months ago

Report Lower Little River,
For myself the morning did not go well , my Google Maps was giving me crazy directions, needless to say I was late and gang meet me on Manchester Rd, we got to the early take out, the normal take out after the 2nd dam is blocked by barrier, Ft Bragg has closed this area due to many accidents coming out of this area, a blind spot for people coming onto Manchester Rd. The last time I was passing it a bad accident happened and I stopped and provided first aid until Emergency Services arrived.
We all got to early take-out setting up a rope to assistance in getting out, along with marker ribbons.
Every met Rosita, and mentioned she was pretty, Crystal mentioned she had big back, no offense was taken.
The Put-in has steps which are also in water making it easy entry into the boat, the area was infested with mosquitoes, I felt like I was back in the Amazon Jungle, were I was on the menu, I am sure that we donated 1 pint of blood.
Away we went, I will say this was Crystal’s first run on this river, I did warn her that there may be a lot of downfall, as of last week the water level was at 27ft. We did run into a lot of blockage, and had 2 up and over the down fall, most of the other down fall was was able to clear with minor saw work or go over or under. The banks showed sign of the pass current the foliage was all pointing down stream, but the banks are mostly clay white and red, so there was little removal of the bank with added foliage and heavy tree root woven on the banks.
We made Crystal the official bug spray spritzer .

It was also Garrett’s birthday. We had alittle present hiding in the downfall for him, a 20liter Yeti cooler with a guard watching over it, the biggest spider I have seen in some time. Garret strapped it to the back of the kayak, from than on I referred to him , “Little Tug Boat”. The Little River, has become my favorite local run the water is a reddish tint, and the banks are steep and river, along with sand and peddle bottom and banks.
We had a great lunch at Pebble Beach. We continued on until take out, noticing several tires in trees about 20 ft from the surface. Take out is steep but very short and trucks are right there.
We all agreed it was a great paddle and enjoyed with shaded paddle.

Water level 6.71ft ( I would not suggest lower than this level )

Distance 9.1 miles
Paddlers Garrett, Crystal, Gene, Bad Influence

THANK YOU Crystal for taking me back to Rosita
Happy Birthday Garrett, please buy a belt, no one wants to see your Buttocks ;)
PS all grammar and spelling errors are of no concern

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