ICYMI, Must KNOW! Reading of NWO Committee 300 document, pg 17

6 months ago

Please subscribe to Echos of The Truth for fresh Alerts! A detailed description of the plans the NWO has to either kill you, enslave you, completely ruin societal norms, degrade women, institute drug use and pornography into society being mandated, along with who documented it. I read and review documents on my website https://sites.google.com/myblogforchrist.com/myblogforchrist/welcome-in-the-name-of-jesus-christ?authuser=0 If you want all of the NWO Committee 300's written words go to the first page of a long document I have divided from a huge PDF and posted on multiple pages on my website here: https://sites.google.com/myblogforchrist.com/myblogforchrist/nwo-committee-300-revelation-document

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