Venezuelan Gangs Capture Colorado Apartment Buildings - Democrats Want Your Guns

22 days ago

It's interesting to see how current events in the U.S. are following the history of Venezuela. Amazing that the Tren de Aragua Venezuelan prison gang in Aurora Colorado is better armed than most Americans.

Up until the 1990s, Venezuela was a democratic country with a Constitution. It was the 4th largest economy in the world, 2nd largest in the western hemisphere, just after the U.S. Then they "democratically" elected Hugo Chavez in 1999.

Chavez's campaign spoke of inclusion and empowerment, which excited those who felt disenfrachised. During his first term, Chavez nationalized the oil industry... drilling, production, etc. This gave him easy access to the oil industry wealth, which he used to increase spending on social programs, gaining popular support with the people (buying votes).

Chavez changed the country's Constitution, at first limiting the number of terms a Venezuelan president could serve to two, then later changing it back to no limit on terms a president could serve. He closed down their bicameral Congress (2 chambers, such as our House and Senate), and replaced it with a single chamber made up of people loyal to him. He added 12 justices to Venezuela's Supreme Court of 20 justices, to pack the court with those loyal to him. Trial judges were thrown in jail if they did not rule as Chavez demanded.

The Constitution also removed the rights of Venezuelan citizens and journalists. Chavez used intimidation, censorship and prosecution against those who disagreed with him or interfered in his political agenda... much like the Democrats have been doing to Trump and conservatives.

He went on to nationalize companies owned by Americans, French, Norway, British and other countries. Each time, those loyal to him were put in charge of the various industries. These loyalists had no experience in these types of businesses, resulting in shortages of everything and very high inflation. The shortages led to businesses closing and jobs lost.

Chavez's nationalization of Venezuela's private sector didn't end there. He took control of banks, mining, agriculture, steel, utilities, transportation, tourism and telecommunications. He even seized private homes on lush nearby islands for his government-controlled tourism, and claimed he needed to control the media to "democratize" it more effectively. The end result was intimidation, censorship and shutting down media outlets who were critical of the Chavez regime.

A similar thing is happening in the U.S. with Democrats and globalists strongly discouraging American corporations from advertising on conservative outlets like OANN, Daily Wire and other news outlets. Without ad revenue, these outlets will eventually go out of business and be silenced.

Chavez's radical agenda finally reached the breaking point in 2002, and a million Venezuelans marched to the presidential palace to demand Chavez's resignation. Chavez supporters, sort of a private army called the Bolivarian Circles and the National Guard met them and a gun battle occurred, leaving many dead and wounded on both sides. Chavez ordered the military to mobilize against the protestors. They refused, concerned Chavez's order was an attempt at a coup d'état, and arrested him. His political opponent, Pedro Carmona, was made the interim president. However, Carmonda immediately dissolved most of Venezuela's democratic institutions and suspended the Venezuelan Constitution. The military feared they had jumped from a left-wing socialist dictator to a right-wing dictator, so they replaced Carmonda with Chavez's vice president, Diosdado Cabello. After being sworn in, Cabello freed Chavez and gave him back his power.

With continuing opposition from civilians, Chavez played nice for a period by using oil revenues to spend lavishly on social programs. He regained support from more than half of the country and was able to win his 2006 election. However, the economy continued to suffer and crime rose, especially with some resorting to theft as a result of shortages from poor government managment of all areas of the economy. Increasing numbers of criminal gangs rose throughout the country.

Fearing the military was a threat to his power, Chavez relied on his private army, the Bolivarian Circles as a layer of protection. He made agreements with some prison gangs to work with the Bolivarian Circles, armed and funded them to control those who opposed his dictatorship. After Chavez's death in 2013, his replacement, Maduro, not only continued this practice, but escalated it, calling them "colectivos".

In 2012, Chavez banned citizens from buying guns or ammo. In 2014, Maduro banned citizens from owning guns at all, leaving them very vulnerable to his private army of prison gangs. Inflation was very high under Chavez, but under Maduro, it reached 130,060.20%. That is what happens when governments take control of every part of an economy and are run by inexperienced and greedy government toadies.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, more than 100,000 Venezuelans have illegally entered the U.S., including various gangs. One such Venezuelan prison gang, the Tren de Aragua was welcomed to Denver, Colorado. They soon expanded into the neighboring city of Aurora, and have taken control of three apartment complexes... even collecting and keeping the tenants' rent for themselves.

Tren de Aragua is better armed than most Americans. It is interesting that penniless illegal aliens are so well armed. Perhaps the monthly $5,000 gift cards Democrat U.S. states are giving illegal aliens has made this possible...

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