14420240825 The 9/11 WarRoom - RFK Jr Endorses Trump & Trump Promises RFK Jr To Release JFK Files

6 months ago

#144.20240825 The 9/11 WarRoom Notes


RFK Jr. Endorses Trump - Two presidential candidates that have questioned 9/11 joining forces

RFK Jr. joins Trump on stage and Trump makes a promise to him to release the JFK files
"...and this is a tribute in honor of Bobby. I am announcing tonight that upon my election I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts and they will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the Assassination of President John F Kennedy..." August 23, 2024

JD Vance addresses Robert F. Kennedy Jr. saying he 'won't take sides on 9/11'

[Note: RFK Jr. said, "My take on 9/11: It's hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn't. But conspiracy theories flourish when the government routinely lies to the public. As President I won't take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates. But I can promise is that I will open the files and usher in a new era of transparency."

See also RFK Jr. talking with Peter Bergen about WTC7

More FBI-suppressed evidence is exposed in lawsuit over Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11 terror attacks

Looking Back at 9/11 from a New Perspective
GOOD ARTICLE By Victoria Alexander (X.com/torialexander72)
See also: Locus Amoenus
A dark comedy about a 9/11 widow and her son Hamlet, who, after moving to a farm, grow disillusioned with American society's trade-offs for cheap goods and conformity. Hamlet becomes depressed when his mother marries a corrupt NIST bureaucrat, leading to tragic outcomes reminiscent of Shakespeare's play.

From Israel did 9/11 to Stalin was a Jew: CAndace Owens' craziest conspiracy theories
HIT PIECE By Times of India (timesofindia.indiatimes.com/feedback.cms)

FDNY 9/11 chief out as new commissioner makes staff changes

===9/11 TRUTH EVENTS============

September 7th (Time TBA - AE911Truth’s 2024 anniversary event with Jill Stein and Jimmy Dore headlining

September 8th, 1–5PM ET - IC911Justice's ‘Aviation Impossibilities’ symposium,

September 9th, 8PM ET - Richard Gage, AIA and the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to release first episode of 'Crime Scene to Courtroom'LIVE on “X” for our audience in the Americas. It begins again, LIVE on “X” September 10 at 8pm Europe time for our friends “across the pond.” (That’s also a second chance for the Americas at 2PM ET!)

===9/11 FINANCIAL NEEDS========

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: Crimescene To Courtroom documentary

=PINNED MESSAGES================

Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA) at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Convention in Orlando!
Presentation - Did the Salomon Brothers High-Rise Building (WTC 7) really collapse from fire? New University Forensic Study Concludes Otherwise

Sign the petition ProtectingAll.org to Help Support Firefighter and Public Safety in High-Rise Fires
Flyers... https://911warroom.com/flyers/PAPA/

We’ve built a 9/11 Truth Community!

Hammux can get you any video shown on this list:

View/Download the RichardGage911 WTC Slide Deck!

View/Download Richard Gage's Street Brochure

Brother of 9/11 Victim Presses Forward in Demand For Justice

===CHAT LOG================

17:20:00 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:20:03 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:21:08 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
17:24:13 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
Shazam “The Magician” Sunder lol 😂
17:30:35 From Ross Migrating Bird to Gene Laratonda(direct message):
for Deb, I'll coordinate a time to come by and b
17:31:08 From Ross Migrating Bird to Gene Laratonda(direct message):
pick up fliers ..not this week but next...
17:34:21 From Ross Migrating Bird to Gene Laratonda(direct message):
Gene... my share screen started and I can't stop/ shut it.....
17:39:51 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:55:16 From Deborah Lee to Everyone:
Those sites are amazing. Could you email me the links when you have time?
17:57:42 From Deborah Lee to Everyone:
There are SO many images that have been doctored going around. Especially war and rally related
18:03:12 From Richard Gage, AIA, Architect to Everyone:
10 Facts that you may not have known about 9/11:
1. …that the third Tower, 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane, collapsed at 5:20pm on 9/11.
2. …that Building 7 fell at free-fall acceleration, which means that not one of its 81 columns gave any resistance. Where did they go?
3. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition.
4. …that molten iron, the byproduct of the incendiary thermite, was found by first responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers, and pouring out of the South Tower minutes prior to its collapse.
5. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7.
6. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, feeling, explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the "collapses" of the Twin Towers.
18:03:47 From Richard Gage, AIA, Architect to Everyone:
7. …that the downward motion of the Twin Towers came down in 2/3 of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of the structure was immediately removed.
8. …that most all of the 100,000 tons of steel in each tower was displaced laterally at 80mph, landing up to 600 feet in every direction, so it was not available to crush the building below.
9. …that most all of the 90,000 tons of concrete in each tower was pulverized to a fine powder and distributed laterally from river to river across Lower Manhattan in a 3" thick blanket, so it also was unavailable to crush the building beneath it.
10. …that the US Geological survey and RJ Lee both independently confirm the discovery of what amounts to about 4 tons of previously molten iron microspheres in the WTC dust samples, indicating temperatures exceeding 2,800º F — and they don't know where they could have possibly come from.
18:04:08 From Richard Gage, AIA, Architect to Everyone:
And, a bonus fact:

11. …that a team of 8 international scientists discovered what amounted to several tons of high-tech nano-thermite in the WTC dust samples, in the form of small red-gray chips that produce molten iron microspheres after ignition in a DSC at 850º F, with the same chemical signature as the iron microspheres discovered by the USGS.
Pass these fact around and help wake up the world!
18:07:35 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
😺I have to leave. I will catch the replay on Rumble. Thanks 🙏 everyone!
18:11:02 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
When you take over my computer, I can’t do anything. That sucks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gzjD_uryPk
18:11:25 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Tompkins Square in NYC
18:14:18 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
In case I don’t get to bring it up on the call, when the Obama Birth Certificate was a thing, I learned about “Layers” on photos and videos. If a photo and/or video, as I understand it, will not have Layers on it, unless it’s been altered. That’s the only reason to add layers, if you want to alter it. It takes techies with more skills than I have to determine that, whether or not it has layers.
18:15:33 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I put it in the comments in the chat, so I’ll lower my hand, if I can. Layers in photos and videos.
18:34:32 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:35:58 From Sean to Everyone:
Kirt sonnenfeld
18:36:03 From Sean to Everyone:
18:48:26 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:48:28 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com

===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org

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