Epstein victim Maria Farmer interview with Whitney Webb

1 month ago

Epstein victim Maria Farmer interview with independent journalist Whitney Webb who wrote, One Nation Under Blackmail vol. 1 and 2.

Connect the dots.

I made this collage and extracted the audio clip from the phone interview. Then I added the 2nd video clip and customized the background and description.

It's important that you know there are Jewish people who worship the Lord God almighty from the Torah and the Bible, aka the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and there are non-practicing Jewish people looking for the meaning of life like most of humanity, and there are Jewish people who are called Messianic Jews because they believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and there are Jewish people who are Atheist who don't want to be bothered about anything.

So please don't lump all Jewish people together. That is what the Kabbalist Talmudic Jewish people in control of everything want as in "the Illuminati" and they accuse everyone of anti-Semitism to silence any opposition. They don't worship the God of the Torah and Bible. They make you believe they worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with their outward presence. It's all a pretense, beguiling the public.

Bob Larson explains Lilith demon is mentioned in the Zohar, Kabbalistic movement of occult mystical Judaism. Their adaptation of the original Torah. They perverted, blasphemed the holy scriptures of the Torah.

"According to the legend of Kabbalistic Judaism (escoteric black magic), the true wife of Adam was Lilith. But Eve sexually seduced Adam to begin the human race and therefore she took the place of Lilith. And those in occult Satanism and Kabbalism Judaism want to restore Lilith to her rightful place." ~Bob Larson

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