Patience in the Great Awakening: We’re All Waking Up at Our Own Pace (Ep. #0029)

5 months ago

In this short episode I explore the importance of patience during these challenging times. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was just as scared of COVID-19 as everyone else. That fear only lasted a month or two, but it was followed by a deep frustration with those who remained "asleep." I desperately wanted to wake them up, but I’ve come to realize that everyone wakes up at their own pace — and that’s okay.

Over the last three years, the truth about COVID-19, vaccines, masks, and government narratives has gradually come to light. But the point here isn’t just about the lies we’ve been told; it’s about understanding and patience. I recently met a couple from England who never went through the initial panic that many of us did. They seemed to have heard God’s voice even earlier than I did, guiding them away from the fear and misinformation. That made me feel both humbled and regretful for being so hard on others who weren’t “awake” yet.

We must remember to be patient with those who are only now beginning to see the truth. Just as I attribute my awakening to a higher power, others will find their way in time. Patience and understanding are crucial as we navigate this journey together.

I'm excited to share that I've also launched a podcast “The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor,” where I discuss the themes explored in “The Gift” and dive deeper into today's pressing issues. While many episodes are available on YouTube, some content can't be posted here due to restrictive policies. For a complete playlist, including exclusive episodes, visit my Rumble channel. Links to my podcast and ALL the uncensored episodes are provided here:
“The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor” Rumble Channel:

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God Bless America. God Bless this podcast. And God Bless you! Stay frosty, my friends!

“The Gift: The story is the plane crash. The Message is hope!”
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