Duality - The Illuminati Religion

20 days ago

Duality - The Illuminati Religion


1. Dualism :
Definition : The concept that reality consists of two equal and opposite forces (e.G., good and evil, light and dark).
Application in Illuminati Belief : These groups believe in the integration and synthesis of opposites to achieve a new whole, beyond traditional dualism (e.G., not just balancing opposites but merging them into a single entity).
Example : The merging of opposites is compared to the Hegelian dialectic, where a thesis and antithesis combine to form a synthesis.

2. Great Work :
Concept : The "Great Work" involves the merging of all opposites into a unified whole, which is believed to result in apotheosis (the process of becoming a god).
Influence : Figures like Aleister Crowley and other occultists have promoted this idea within occult circles.

3. Gnosticism :
Beliefs : Gnostics believe that the physical world is a deceptive construct created by a lesser god (the Demiurge) and that a higher realm exists beyond this false reality.
Illuminati's Interpretation : The physical world, created by the Demiurge (often identified with the Old Testament god Yahweh, called "Adonai"), is seen as a prison. The goal is to escape this realm and merge with the "Pleroma," a higher realm of multiple gods and goddesses.
4. Luciferian Doctrine :

Lucifer vs. Adonai : The belief that Lucifer (associated with light and knowledge) is in conflict with Adonai (the god of darkness and evil). They view Lucifer as a liberator who seeks to free humanity from the control of the Demiurge.
Dualistic God Concept : Some higher-level Freemasons and Illuminati figures, such as Albert Pike, allegedly promote the idea that Lucifer and Adonai are two sides of a dualistic god.
5. Esoteric and Hidden Knowledge :

Reason for Secrecy : Their doctrines are kept secret to avoid public critique and to maintain a sense of mystique and superiority among their followers.
Influence on Pop Culture : The document claims that Illuminati religious beliefs are subtly integrated into movies, video games, and other media to indoctrinate the masses gradually.

Techniques of Dissemination

1. Media and Popular Culture :

Usage of Symbolism : Various forms of media, such as movies ("The Matrix," "Tron," "The Lego Movie"), games ("Elder Scrolls"), and others, are said to contain hidden Gnostic and dualistic messages.
Indoctrination Strategy : Repeated exposure to these ideas in entertainment is believed to slowly normalize and make the public more receptive to these doctrines.

2. Freemasonry and Secret Societies :
Symbols and Rites : Masonic symbols like the compass and square, the two-headed Phoenix, and the hexagram are said to represent the duality and synthesis of opposites.
The Royal Secret : It is implied that higher-level Freemasons are initiated into the deeper aspects of this dualistic belief system, which is kept hidden from lower-level members.

Flaws and Criticisms of the Belief System

1. Logical Inconsistencies :

Privation Fallacy : The document critiques the notion of synthesizing opposites, arguing that many of these opposites (e.G., light and dark, good and evil) are not true opposites but rather privations (e.G., darkness is the absence of light, and evil is a lack of good).
Moral Relativism : The merging of good and evil is seen as problematic because it erases objective moral distinctions, reducing morality to mere social constructs.

2. Practical Implications :
Social Engineering : The document suggests that the Illuminati and related groups are manipulating societal structures and ideologies (e.G., gender fluidity, race, evolution) to achieve their goal of synthesis.

3. Rejection of Mainstream Religion :
Christian Perspective : The belief system is critiqued from a Christian standpoint as being fundamentally satanic and deceptive, seeking to replace worship of the true God with worship of Lucifer.

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