143.20240818 The 9/11 WarRoom

6 months ago

#143.20240818 The 9/11 WarRoom Notes


Column: The full truth of 9/11 is still emerging
By Jackie Calmes (jackie.calmes@latimes.com or X.com/jackiekcalmes

See also:
The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

24th annual ride kicks off to commemorate the lives lost on Sept. 11

'Path to justice': Durbin urges Austin to rethink revoking 9/11 masterminds' plea deals

Exclusive: Austin’s Revocation of 9/11 Plea Deal Faces New Legal Blowback

Articles of Interest: U.S. Senator, Former U.S. Solicitor General and Victim’s Family Member Express Support for 9/​11 Plea Deals

Top Democrat urges defense secretary to undo 9/11 plea deal revocation

Beloved NYC 9/11 mural desecrated by pigeon poop despite roughly $400K of taxpayer money spent on failed deterrents

9/11 Street Activism: Legal Graffiti

RichardGage911 on TNT's Weekends with Jason-Olbourne

Researching 9/11 and Beyond: Current Knowledge and Future Directions
By Dr. Piers Robinson

AE911Truth: Chapter 4 of Roland Angle’s book finally names names

===9/11 FINANCIAL NEEDS========

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: Crimescene To Courtroom documentary

=PINNED MESSAGES================

Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA) at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Convention in Orlando!
Presentation - Did the Salomon Brothers High-Rise Building (WTC 7) really collapse from fire? New University Forensic Study Concludes Otherwise

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Brother of 9/11 Victim Presses Forward in Demand For Justice

===CHAT LOG================

17:03:07 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
In the news:

Senator and Colonel Richard Black: CIA long history of fostering terrorists and involved in 9/11

Senator Dick Black was a prominent conservative Republican who served eight years in the Virginia State Senate. He represented a quarter million people in Loudoun and Prince William Counties. Black previously served eight years in the Virginia House of Delegates.

Black headed the Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon. He developed Executive Orders for the President’s signature, and laws that were enacted by Congress. He advised senior government officials on issues of national significance. He testified before the U.S. Congress, representing the U.S. Army, on four occasions.
17:03:25 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
So, I started a document on the Trump shooting. I don’t have a lot of time and I’m looking for help. Gene has done a heck of a lot on this. I just dashed this off in a few minutes to get started. Here’s a copy/paste- It’s telling me I have to send multiple shorter messages.
17:03:42 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
17:07:37 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:12:23 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I want to try to just dash something off on the assassination attempt, or faked assassination attempt, on Trump. Others, like Gene, have looked into this a heck of a lot more than I have and maybe it will be greatly expanded on by more knowledgable folks. I’ve been too busy, as always, and haven’t looked into it at all, but right off the rip, I have some observations and questions.

These things should perhaps be bullet pointed or numbered or something. #1, do “they” commonly use multiple shooters whenever they assassinate or attempt to assassinate someone? Answer, yes, most definitely they do. Work could be done to include the evidence of multiple shooters in the JFK and RFK killings to substantiate this. There are other occasions to look into as well. The juxtaposition of this Trump case with other shooting events may be informative.
17:12:57 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
One that is that forefront of my mind is the Tucson shooting that wounded Gabriel Giffords. That one stinks to high heaven for a number of reasons. The accused looks like a mad man and it’s likely that he is or was made that way as an MK Ultra type brainwashing. But the evidence surrounding the shooting is damning indeed. Gabby was grievously injured, and was all the media focused on. But, a Federal Judge was killed, and I maintain that he was the primary target. He had received death threats, which is not uncommon but threatening a federal judge is a very serious crime that carries a very serious penalty. Threatened or not, federal judges have a US Marshal security detail. That detail was strangely absent that day
17:13:26 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
It’s never easy to be sure what the real deal actually is, but I saw reports that the nearest police officer was 10 miles away. Normally, when you have such a big deal, there’d be an SOP that goes something like this- local law enforcement would have a big meeting, the area would be cased with bomb sniffing dogs before hand and all license plates in the area would be run, all garbage cans inspected etc. On the day of the event, there would be an ambulance on hand in case someone had a heart attack, there’d be a uniformed police presence as well as plain clothes officers in the crowd. Additionally, both political parties would have a video team on hand. The one side would be hoping that their gal or guy would say something really great and the other side would be hoping that they’d say something really stupid that they could use. Both teams were strangely absent.
17:18:32 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:18:35 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:19:43 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Oh, BTW, that federal judge that was killed was interested in looking into “Operation Fast and Furious”, the FBI’s scheme to put weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels so they could trace shootings. There’s more of a police presence at a typical high school football game than there was at this appearance of a sitting congress person and a federal judge.
17:20:32 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Unfortunately for Trump supporters, the Vegas shooting happened on his watch and was even more absurd than the Tucson shooting. There were thousands of people out and about and most all of them had smart phones and social media accounts and many, many of them posted accounts that were very different from the official account. There were shootings all over town! And many photos and videos were posted backing up these alternative accounts. Naturally, they were all removed from the web in pretty short order. The Way Back Machine could be used to unearth them, perhaps, but I haven’t messed with that. I bookmarked dozens of links and they are all dead now. One particularly good video was from a black woman who was in town for a wedding and kept all of her receipts, so she could verify where and when she was in the area
17:31:48 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
But what’s really damning for Trump is that when he went to Vegas after the shooting, the first person he met with, in private, was Sheldon Adelson. He was a casino / hotel billionaire and made very suspicious stock trades just prior to the shooting event. He sold off a whole bunch of stock just prior, then bought a whole bunch back after the shooting when the cost was way down. He made money before and after the event, showing foreknowledge. There are also many satanic overtones to that particular shooting.
17:32:18 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
#2, Why do they use multiple shooters when they plan an assassination? Answer, because sometimes shooters miss.

#3, Do they always include a patsy in such events? Answer, of course they do, they have to have someone to pin it on, and this subject could go on for pages and pages also.
17:46:40 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Everyone:
I found Norman to be less than genuine and insincere in his positions, which he isn't willing to defend. … And I am technically in the DEW camp (and nuke camp). //
17:48:07 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
Reacted to "I found Norman to be..." with 👍
18:04:29 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:04:52 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:25:40 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Everyone:
18:28:56 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Everyone:
Replying to "https://maxwellbridg..."

Actually, not even 4th generation. More like late-3rd and early-4th. Purely 4th gen weapons were expected to be fusion only. Late-3rd generation were hybrid fission/fusion.

Owing to the evidence in the dust, a fission process is documented. Owing to the tritium song and dance, a fusion process is documented.

Expelled highly energetic neutrons would exhibit vastly different effects than conventional 1st/2nd/3rd gen devices or chemical based devices.

18:31:29 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I did an article for AE on the other buildings, 3, 4, 5, and 6. http://www1.ae911truth.org/faqs/440-1000-words.html
18:42:50 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:43:09 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Everyone:
Replying to "https://maxwellbridg..."

In the following videos, look for when the debris from the top would hit other buildings, and presto, you'll see fresh, content-laden dust clouds rushing up from the ground.


18:47:50 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Gene Laratonda(direct message):
You've been putting off reviewing my thesis. It is to water those seeds and see what grows in your understanding of 9/11. //
18:49:45 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Everyone:
Susan and Alfred, are the videos of the last presentations to Boston 9/11 Truth posted? //
18:53:06 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Everyone:
Let Norman's actions be a sign. He does not participate in good faith, does not acknowledge weaknesses to his own arguments, and blocks (on FB and substack) due to him being unable to address the very Woodsian-DEW elements that require them to re-think. //
19:14:50 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
19:19:02 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Anytime any type of nuclear weapon is detonated, windows are broken for miles around. It seems like Israel used a suitcase nuke or whatever in Iran years ago. Windows were broken for miles around.
19:20:34 From Maxwell C. Bridges to Everyone:
Replying to "Anytime any type of ..."

Please read my premise before spouting off. Your statement is not absolutely true for all forms of nuclear devices. Reference link #5 is what you need to look into, for Dr. Andre Gsponer.

19:28:28 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
19:32:22 From Gene Laratonda to Everyone:
Roland naming names

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

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===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org

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