Life-Longevity with Minerals & Herbs Dr Wallach Part 2

6 months ago

Linus Pauling, two Nobel Prizes 10,000 ml of vitamin C every day for 35, no other supplements, died at
age 93 from prostate cancer.

Margaret Ski died at age 115 in 1994 of a nutritional deficiency disease, she fell, broke her hip from osteoporosis three weeks later she died of pneumonia.

75% of the people over age 65 in America who break a hip, a leg, a major bone, don't live 90 days, they die of complications from the fracture, and soon after die of pneumonia.

It doesn't matter how much money you have, if you have a calcium deficiency it's going to get you!

Jeanne Calment from France turned 120 yr old, Suzie Brunson died at age 123, Chief Bauer died at age 126, man from Syria died at age 133, gal from Iran died at age 161 she had never been to a doctor, never took any medications or drugs, only a few herbs. A man from Soviet Union turned 168, a man from Azerbaijanm lived beyond 140.

There's no doubt that human beings have the genetic capacity to live to be 140 -160 but there's no reason why the average age in America shouldn't be a 100 instead of 75.5.

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Take Control of Your Health, Minerals and Herbs for Every Disease, Dr joel D Wallach, Life Longevity

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