DOD FunVax Briefing CIA & DARPA On VMAT2 Gene (God Gene)

6 months ago

An unidentified US Department of Defense scientist doing a 2015 briefing to the CIA and head of D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) on Dean Hamer's findings surrounding the VMAT2 Gene. He discusses how they "plan to suppress the VMAT2 Gene by using vaccines and viruses to turn people into normal people without strong religious expressions." The VMAT2 Gene (considered the God Particle or God Gene) is what connects our physical vessel to the spiritual realm through our brains, links us with the Holy Spirit, keeps us open to mystical experiences and opens us to higher consciousness. Considering what was discussed and the Moderna mRNA injection ingredient "SM-102 Luciferase" it seems rather clear they have implemented this eugenicist plan to break the human connection to source by using these injections to destroy the VMAT2 Gene.

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