These Four Books Were Meant To Be Warnings: Is Our Future Already Written? (Ep. #0027)

16 days ago

The four fundamental fiction books that everyone must read—and then re-read immediately—are:
• Animal Farm,
• 1984,
• Fahrenheit 451, and
• Brave New World.

These books aren’t just stories; they are profound warnings about what our future could become.

Four years ago, I had my two kids, aged 8 and 10, read these books so I could help explain the world and the challenges we were passing through. They understood the material, and it opened their eyes to the reality we are living in today.

I’m not recommending any specific editions or publications; the images you see are just random internet grabs for your visual reference. Whether you buy them or check them out from your local library, these books are essential reading for understanding the critical choices we face as a society.

I explained to my girls that we are living through a very strange prequel to some variation of these dystopian novels. Pay close attention to the world around you because if we do not make some radical political changes, right now, these books, which were intended as warnings, will inevitably become our imminent reality.

It’s not too late, but the clock is ticking. If we fail to make monumental and significant political changes right now, we will find ourselves living in some variation of these fictional nightmares.

I'm excited to share that I've also launched a podcast “The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor,” where I discuss the themes explored in “The Gift” and dive deeper into today's pressing issues. While many episodes are available on YouTube, some content can't be posted here due to restrictive policies. For a complete playlist, including exclusive episodes, visit my Rumble channel. Links to my podcast and ALL the uncensored episodes are provided here:
“The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor” Rumble Channel:

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God Bless America.
God Bless this podcast.
God Bless you!
Stay frosty, my friends!

“The Gift: The story is the plane crash. The Message is hope!”
• Amazon: (Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle)
• Audiobook only available at:
• Chapter One is online for FREE (listen today):

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