DREAM ON Phazes 1-6 what’s it mean

6 months ago

Original source IG @ErikPlott19 is here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_NYrQkxEPT/?igsh=MXU3bXZuNnBhdjc4bQ==

Story of “DREAM ON! “ plot The evolution of #BlackSunEmpire/ Empyre apart and then ALL #Phaze1 - #Phaze6 explained in visual arts. If you were there , you already know Erik Plott committed to the dream and conquered then it was taken away by Biden and Gary Gensler but now we are engineering into the new Phaze and final 6th episode of this generation which will allow freedom reign rings. If Donald Pump wins this election we all become set free once and for good!

We shout out all the true real ones for the #BlackSunKingdom army
If you were in there and still apart of it , you will be shown in this video for the most part, except we added Christian Korbe - because at one time he was a huge asset and played a part until he expelled himself.

Other than this, we are so excited to see what happens next. It’s just right around the corner once and for all.

Watch all the other phaze videos to understand more

Thank you Sean Pincura , Erik’s brother #BlackSunGod19

Em Solera for being there when he needed her , she helped inspire and do other stuff ; hopefully more to come we will see.

Kristina and Stephanie- what can we say?

Dr Jackie Wellington listen to her podcast with Erik Plott here

Brodie Graham for helping with some of the more satanic or moloch artworks and designs

Tehani farr Lilith Plott for the twisted dimensions of art and darker side of life expressed to inspire and motivate others on to joining their own endarkened side

Sean Pincura for always being Erik’s Best friend in the world.

Do you realize how much art videos and content was banned from Erik’s viral YouTube channel and Facebook accounts - over 10 accounts were permanently banned and TikTok as well Vimeo.

Only true family and friends will be added to the new exclusive private account with new black sun empire empyre which upon phaze 6 will officially become #BLACKSUNKINGDOM

The home of the dragon army family and only few will enter the kingdom.



Many people were kicked out or removed.

So if I kill a bed bug that has already sucked my own blood does that mean I've indirectly shed my own blood?”

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