A call to action. It's time to take our country back

1 month ago

Most people are unaware of the fact that a fraudulent government was put in place right after the civil war in 1871 when they formed Washington DC which isn't even part of our country. It is a foreign state full of foreign agents whose goal is to take over our country and turn it into a communist hell. Also unbeknownst to us in 2010 a group of people reformed the Republic which was abandoned in 1871 to form the fraudulent democracy. They need people all over the country to join the new Republic so we can remove the fraudulent government for good. We need as many people as possible to stand behind the Republic so it can be done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please listen and take action today before it's too late. More info can be found at republicfortheunitedstates.org. You can go directly to publicinfo@republicfortheunitedstates.org or if you're part of the media you can go directly to media@republicfortheunitedstates.org

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