Donald Trump; "I like taking the guns early ... Take the guns first, go through due process second."

5 months ago

Donald Trump; "I like taking the guns early ... Take the guns first, go through due process second."
Donald Trump; "I like taking the guns early ... Take the guns first, go through due process second."

Donald Trump proves here he is not for the Second Amendment, what he is doing is fascist and communist. Remember America as God is Judging this once great nation, Trump played Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Mussolini in the Unconstitutional ordering of lockdowns, face diapers, Medical Martial Law, Operation warp speed and all the Covid Tyranny and yet millions of you want him back in the White House?
This proves Trump is against our rights and the Constitution; with that against America.
Guns are the only means by which citizens can truly defend themselves against the nazi fascist communist corruption embedded throughout world & American institutions.
Trump is a threat to our rights and freedoms. if the clot shots don’t kill us then his fighting age mercenaries from the borders will this is why he wants your guns, so the country is sabotaged and your freedoms are taken away.

America, if you grew a pair and voted Constitution Party Candidate Darrel Castle for President there would of never been any o this Tyranny!

The Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause

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