He Knew You! Before Time Existed, Yahweh Knew You!

6 months ago

Does Santa Claus really know when you have been Naughty or Nice? Nope! But there is one who does. He knows everything about YOU and has since before Time existed. His Name is Yahweh, the Great I AM, our God.

God says He #predestined those He would save. Is that you? Is your #destiny to spend eternity in Heaven or in Hell?

He Knew You!

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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To answer our opening questions, you first have to understand what Scripture means when it says that. Not that God has decided that only certain people are going to #heaven and the rest to #Hell no matter what. But rather that Jesus knows whether or not you will choose to have your name written in the #LambsBookOfLife. And has set your destiny based on what that decision will be.

Before He ever created the Heavens and the Earth, God knew YOU. He knew who you would be, every decision you would ever make, and every action you would ever take. And still loved you enough to make a plan to send His Son to die for your sins. God also loves you enough to give you multiple opportunities throughout your life to come to Him. If He knows you will, then God is going to keep having seeds planted until you do. And if not, then God is going to make sure you have no excuse when you face the Judgment Seat. All because He Knew You.

Join A Voice Crying In The Desert Outreach for Conversations With The Evangelist. “He Knew You!”

Come and discuss the simple fact that nothing in your life is a surprise to God. He knew who you were and everything you would do before your parents even thought about having a child. While He does not force you to make any decisions, Jesus does know exactly what decisions you will make. That is what the Bible means by being predestined. God knows whether you will choose to serve Him and has determined what will happen to your Eternal Soul based on the decision you will make.

Contact James Carter for how to support our Outreach Missions Work.

#onlinesermon, #missions, #missionaries, #spreadHislove, #FaithJourney, #GraceAndForgiveness, #comehometogod, #repentancestory, #redemptiontestimony, #abetterlife, #health, #mentalhealth, #mentalhealthawareness, #ReturnToGod, #openarms, #love

Please share and invite others to come join the Conversation. Please pray about joining A Voice Crying In The Desert as we Walk Into The Unknown, set off on a Faith Journey not knowing how we can possibly succeed or where the final destination lies.

Join us. Share and invite others to join us. And please share your thoughts and comments.

Join the Conversation.

Please join us in praying for and support this Outreach as we enter the next phase of what God has called us to. Traveling as He leads to do in-person Outreach and share His Love with those who need it the most. To do this, we need regular support and for churches across the country to come alongside as missions partners.

Let’s be friends. Please subscribe and follow us across Social Media.

Social Media Links

Spotify Hot Bible Talk: https://open.spotify.com/show/6Raqzo7i06zTCLlik66gkB
Spotify Conversations: https://open.spotify.com/show/3suoqycwirvRuU3ydeo8KX

Conversations With The Evangelist is Live on Facebook, www.facebook.com/groups/avoicecryinginthewilderness, every Saturday morning and released every Sunday evening at 7 pm EST on various Social Media Platforms. The Messages cover various topics related to life today and how the Bible is relevant to what is happening all around us and the struggles so many face every day.

A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill our vision with a financial donation, you can send it to James Carter through VENMO: James-Carter-1054 or CashApp: $jjcarter7136. Or contact James Carter for information on how to mail a donation to us.

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