WTFR The Pushback 28-08-2024

4 months ago

I'm playing catch-up with uploads this week as I've been so busy with work. This is the latest Pushback show, with Joss, Colin, Leo, Chloe,Chris#2, Emma (the star lady), & noisy kids in the background.

Colin STILL isn't suicidal, despite having paid off his mortgage with a promissory note.

Leo told dirty jokes.

Chloe reminded us that some "diversity & inclusion" is okay, & doesn't involve knives & violations.

Chris#2... what can I say. He showed his Scorpio energy.

Emma showed off her talents with astrology, & gave us all a heads-up of what to expect, when to duck, & when to take cover for the next week.

Joss pushed buttons, twisted knobs & ate Leo's biscuits - as did Colin (Colin didn't push buttons or twist knobs though).

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