| Will Middle Eastern Conflict SKYROCKET Oil Prices?

6 months ago

But there is going to be an impact on the oil. Oil price is going to go through the ceiling at first because it's going to be emotional. And oil will go way north of a hundred dollars a barrel. And suddenly it'll be 6, 7, 8 dollars a gallon. And it'll cause a tremendous economic problem. And the longer it goes on, the worse it is. The sooner this is done, and the sooner it's over with, this is another case of the right way and the hard way are always the same thing. If we, being the civilized part of the world, put off ending the mullahs in Iran, the ultimate result would be a nuclear war that could destroy the world. By destroying them now, we might cause a serious problem with energy prices, but that will pass. And so as bad as it is, it's going to be less bad than the entire world dead. Do you understand? Okay. The hard way and the right way are always the same thing. And the press never reports the right way because that's not what they're trained to do. They used to be trained to report the news. Now they're trained to create viewership by saying hysterical things, which we call clickbait to get you to watch the stupidity. I don't know, but I'm sick of clickbait. Aren't you?

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Host: Herby Kay
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