For the past 60 years, America has been fed industrial junk.

5 months ago

“ We used to have organic foods in this country, and they took it away from us.
I remember going to the market when I was a kid.
They used to cut the chicken's neck right in front of me.
I was seven years old—that was organic food. Then the supermarkets came.
Birdseye introduced frozen and canned vegetables, and then the war came, and everything went downhill.
Convenience became paramount in America.
Yeah, but convenience in food is not healthy for you. That's why child obesity is on the rise, along with arteriosclerosis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure—diabetes is through the roof. It's directly traced back to the food you put in your hand and mouth.
Trust me, it takes time, and you can't link it or prove it. The food companies lobby Washington. I don't want to preach to you, but it's big oil, big pharma, and big food.
You know about Monsanto Corporation, but you don't do anything about it.
They genetically modify seeds—65% of them they own.
They're messing with the food that you put in your body and your family's body.
You can't do that.
You can have an industrial revolution with factories for coal, steel, and oil, but not with food.
We're trying to get back to locally grown, but it's too late.”

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