Can I Learn Nomad from Watching an AoE2 Pro Player? - Age of Empires 2 Stream

6 months ago

Age of Empires 2 is a RTS strategy game that comes with a lot of different scenarios to learn in PvP. One of the well-known special maps is Nomad, where you start on an empty island and have to build up your whole civilization to win the battle.

One of the best AoE2 Twitch Streamers is @danielaaoe, who both plays and casts AoE2 matches. How good can I become at Nomad from watching her games? Let's find out.

Check out Daniela on YouTube: / @danielaaoe
Check out Daniela on Twitch: / daniela_aoe
Original Stream Title:
Game: Age of Empires 2
Streamed on: 28-08-2024
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