End of Days Sign - Legal Selling and Trafficking of Babies?

20 days ago

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Title: End of Days Sign - Legal Selling and Trafficking of Babies?
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Legalization of Selling Your Baby?
On June 12, the Massachusetts House voted on a bill that aims to redefine parenthood and legalize the practice of baby-selling under the guise of “parentage equality.”
Parentage Equality Bill: The bill seeks to redefine parenthood based on a “person’s intent to be a parent of a child.” It removes all mention of mothers and fathers from parentage law, replacing them with gender-erased language.. Commercial surrogacy would be allowed, even when the woman carrying the child is genetically unrelated to the child.
Baby-Selling: The bill enables extreme arrangements: A woman could accept money for her biological child. She could essentially auction off her child by matching with the highest bidder. While this is legal under the bill, a woman who adopts her child and accepts payment would be prosecuted for baby selling. The differences between these scenarios are semantic, yet one is praised as "compassionate family building.
Could we See human Trafficking Baby Factories like John of God Pushed by Oprah?
Natural News: Fast-forward to 2019 and hundreds of women have come forward with claims that John of God raped them. The "faith healer" is also being accused of recruiting young girls to his many "child slave farms," where they were repeatedly impregnated as part of a "birth factory," before eventually being killed off and discarded.
Push for Defiling your Kids – Gateway for Pedos
Source: LifeSiteNews) — The United Nations (U.N.) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are working to normalize pedophilia globally, according to Dutch author and journalist David Sorensen.
“I’ve worked for several months now on gathering evidence that shows undeniably, conclusively that the United Nations and the World Health Organization and other organizations like Planned Parenthood and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation […] are working all over the world to completely take over the education in kindergartens and elementary schools,” Sorensen said on the Truth for Health podcast, hosted by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet.
These organizations not only want to “sexualize little children” but also “to tear down their natural defense systems so that they would completely be open for sexual predators anywhere, everywhere.”
“They literally say every child is a sexual being from the age of zero, that they are a sexual being regardless of age,” he continued. “And that’s so having sex is their human right. Therefore, every child needs to have sexual partners and has to be guided by the schools to engage in sexual relationships from the youngest age possible.”
The Rutgers Foundation: A global network for pedophilia?
Sorensen told the story of the Dutch Rutgers Foundation, which “operates in 27
Source: "SJWellFire: Final Days Report"
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