Treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

4 months ago

Treatise of Sexual Alchemy. By Samael Aun Weor. Full Audiobook
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy- #affiliatelink
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Samael Aun Weor is an initiate of the Hermetic and Gnostic mysteries that lie at the foundation of all world religions, with a particular focus on the Oriental path of knowledge, if you are unfamiliar with his works, they can be a bit shocking to the undeveloped mind as he gets straight TO THE POINT of esoteric matters, no new age fluff and word salad.This work is meant to help students transform their ordinary waking consciousness from that of a dream state, into full awareness and lucidity at all times, bringing this awareness into the astral, or dream world. Please enjoy and share with earnest seekers. Originally uploaded by papaminelos on Jewtube.
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy is a book written by Samael Aun Weor that reveals the true meaning of the genuine documents and symbols used by the medieval alchemists, such as Paracelsus, Basil Valentine, Francis Bacon, and more, by showing how those teachings are hidden in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Judeo-Christian Bible . The book is published by Glorian Publishing and has 472 pages .
The book is divided into several chapters, each of which covers a different aspect of sexual alchemy. The first chapter, "The Seven Loaves of Bread," discusses the seven stages of spiritual development that one must go through in order to achieve enlightenment. The second chapter, "The Chapter of Bringing Along a Boat in the Underworld," explains how to navigate the underworld of the psyche in order to reach the spiritual realm. The third chapter, "The White Elixir and the Red Elixir," discusses the two types of elixirs that are used in sexual alchemy. The fourth chapter, "The Red Lion," explains the symbolism of the red lion and how it relates to sexual alchemy. The fifth chapter, "The Two Witnesses," discusses the two witnesses that are mentioned in the Bible and how they relate to sexual alchemy. The sixth chapter, "The Tattvas of Nature," explains the five elements of nature and how they relate to sexual alchemy. The seventh chapter, "Divine Fohat," discusses the divine force that is responsible for creation and how it relates to sexual alchemy. The eighth chapter, "Simon the Magician," explains the story of Simon the Magician from the Bible and how it relates to sexual alchemy. The ninth chapter, "Change Nature Thus You Shall Find What You Seek," discusses how to change one's nature in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. The tenth chapter, "Types of Salt," explains the different types of salt that are used in sexual alchemy. The eleventh chapter, "Extraction of the Mercury," discusses how to extract the mercury from the body in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. The twelfth chapter, "Our Work in Red and in White," explains the difference between the red and white paths of sexual alchemy. The book concludes with a glossary of terms and a brief biography of the author .
In summary, Treatise of Sexual Alchemy is a comprehensive guide to sexual transmutation and spiritual development. It covers a wide range of topics related to sexual alchemy, including the symbolism of the red lion, the two witnesses, and Simon the Magician, as well as the different types of salt and elixirs that are used in the practice. The book is well-written and informative, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the subject of sexual alchemy .
More: Samael Aun Weor, Treatise of Sexual Alchemy, alchemy
sexual transmutation, spiritual development, Egyptian Book of the Dead
Judeo-Christian Bible, seven loaves of bread, wisdom
seven serpents, coronation, tongue of fire
Uorus, Child of Gold, Intimate Chris
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