Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program.

5 months ago

Brisbane, Qld, Australia. 31st August 2024.

Sarah McGuire from Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program speaks about the dangers of the blanket treatment the govt are conducting of people's properties with the Toxic chemicals Pyriproxyfen and S Methoprene, both of which are considered very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
There's also been reports from doctors and vets of people, pets, livestock and native animals becoming sick and dying from these poison.

They're breaking their own rules, the Safety Data Sheets clearly state "Do Not Apply Where Fire Ants are not present or no longer evident"

She talks about how Fire Eradication Program teams trespassing on people's properties without their consent, and the heavy handed, bullying approach these toxic poisoners are using against residents. This must stop NOW!

As always, follow the money. Call it containment, no Federal Funding. Call it Eradication, hundreds of millions of dollars in funding. That's what it ultimately comes down to.

Nobody wants Fire Ants, let the people control them their own way instead of bullying them and poisoning the land and everything on it.

Following Sarah's speech, Dr Conny Turni from the Qld Alliance of Agriculture and Food Innovation, articulates the community concerns perfectly.

Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program

Fire Ant Treatment Alternatives

Sign The Petition to Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program

The Fire Ant Poison Menace Blog

Subscribe to our mag, this month's issue features an article about the Fire Ant Poison Menace


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