Jabbed BLE MAC ADDRESSES: "ur wrong about everything because ur a dipshit"

5 months ago

BlackPilledHam's reply to this guy:

He Say U Got It Wrong Bruh - LOL :


"We prove you wrong over and over again at every turn but proof and truth mean nothing to you, so therefore, you are just wrong about everything because you are a dipshit. Your science is "muh feels" and your debate has become retard rhetoric and we don't argue with stupid because you will just beat us to death with experience. Enjoy dying badly dipshit, we are preparing for a world without you.
You can't prove me wrong with your proof of work so you can only say my name and use my image and say "conspiracy theorist" for your dipshit audiences. You should get off the internet and start making your arrangements, there is no future in being a robot, no one wants a robot that has to eat and shit."


Mirrored - BlackPilledHAM


VAXXED Bluetooth/MAC address topic: https://rumble.com/v59prwq-naked-proof-1-electronic-signals-from-bodies.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756

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