The verdict is in: Kamala Harris's CNN interview was a ‘word salad’ disaster

6 months ago

The verdict is in: Kamala Harris's CNN interview was a "word salad" disaster.

Even David Axelrod, Obama’s former strategist, admitted she “hadn’t moved the ball forward that much.”

CNN's Scott Jennings painted a bleaker picture for Harris, predicting, “Donald Trump will be salivating” at the chance to face her in a debate.

Polling expert Frank Luntz piled on, tweeting, “A lot of people think Kamala Harris has done well so far in this interview. I disagree – a good debater will find it easy to challenge her.”

Vegas agrees. In one short day, Kamala's betting odds have tanked.

Trump's chances of winning improved from 48.8% before the interview to 51.2% by Friday morning.

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