Neil Oliver, a great monologue

5 months ago

"Mankind cannot live by bread alone, but the elite have their eyes on that as well. Their hands grasping after the land, the arable land. Billionaire philantropath Bill Gates, the Bill Gates who is no farmer in the same way he's no scientist, no virologist, no immunologist, no doctor. That Bill Gates holds well over a quarter of a million acres of farmland in the US. Why? He has all sorts of plans, from the food we might eat, the seeds we might sow. All across Europe farmers are in open revolt against the elite EU intentions to force them off their land and therefore out of the business of growing food...60% of the world's seeds are sold by just 4 companies. The monoculture forced upon the farmers and farmland of India, seed patented as yet more property, might be a warning of the fate awaiting all life, humanity included in a future where technology rules and people are dispensable. This much is true not just of seeds but of us, the humanity. Soil fertility is falling, failing all over the world. No farmers means no food, no food means no people. The sustained and deliberate attack on humanity, what it means to be human has come down to the most basic fundamentals of the life itself. All life. As well as destroying the fertility of the soil from which comes our food, our own natural fertility is in steep decline as well....
For so long we've been told wrong is right, down is up, lies are truth. The DNC was slick and polished as any Oscars, and the Oscars were abandoned as fakery long ago. The hollowness, the falsehood barefaced from the highest levels has cut millions adrift from the truth what humanity is. It's more important than ever that we question the script, every word, because in the real life hunger games, it's our lives that are being played with."

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