Baltimore judge to man who killed tech CEO Pava LaPere

6 months ago

Baltimore judge to man who killed tech CEO Pava LaPere

Frank LaPere turned and directly looked at the man who killed his daughter. Then he apologized.

Inside a courtroom in Baltimore, LaPere said he was sorry that Jason Billingsley endured a tough upbringing.

But LaPere said Billingsley’s unhappy early life did not give him the right to take the life of another person.

#FrankLaPere, #JasonBillingsley, #BaltimoreCourt, #FamilyGrief, #SeekingJustice, #MurderTrial, #Father’sForgiveness, #VictimImpact, #SeekingJustice, #TragicLoss, #CourtroomDrama, #BaltimoreNews, #HealingThroughForgiveness, #SeekingAccountability, #LegalProceedings

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