Environ-Mental Propaganda vs reality

5 months ago

Last week in ‘This Is The New Civil War’ I discussed Casey Means and her brother and what has been uncovered in the food industry that explains the huge explosion in health issues in the US. Link will be below for that video. We have a lot of agencies that must be undone and revamped. They’ve become the opposite of what they were supposed to be. Here is a brief segment by Epoch Times regarding us eating bugs. Link to that is also below. Please make a note of the fact that Obama signed on to this too. He such a lowlife isn’t he?

At the end of this is a delightful segment by Orwell.

Our Earth has been a ball of ice and a raging jungle at times and for long periods. The supposed ‘experts’ on environmental impact are mental and should not be trusted. The real push by the UN and the WEF is to force people to live in corridors where they can be controlled. The UN was created by Alger Hiss a known soviet spy. It has been through it’s actions absolutely useless for the most part and these days a source for tyrannical stupidity of epic proportions. One needs to remember that we are or were the only free country in the world and that has been getting eroded for years. This is a new attempt to take us down further. Let’s talk about life and the planet. I mean about real ecology not the lies used for false consensus building. In 1977 hydrothermal vents were discovered. What is a hydrothermal vent? It is a cesspool of toxic nasty substances coming from the core of our planet. There is also a lesson there. They are a place where stunning new life forms live and have lived for millions of years. The point here is that they always existed, but us knowing about them is what’s new. It pretty much points out that the universe is going to be teaming with life.

Those people who want to tell us about the environment don’t care about the environment, they’re just after power. The idea that we have to quit raising animals to eat is absurd. What probably needs to stop is centralized corporate farming. Grass fed beef is the best and they’re really just mowing the lawn. One of the absurd fears (supposedly) of the alarmists is the increase in atmospheric methane. That atmospheric methane is a sign of the end of an ice age. That methane is coming from the southern end of our land masses which surprisingly are at their nearest point to the sun in our planetary precession or the 26,500 year wobble of the planet. So all of this is predictable. Carbon sequestration happens naturally when you farm in a natural way. Geoff Lawton has a simple little Chicken tractor on steroids that he uses to compost garden waste and create fertilizer.

This Is The New Civil War

Epoch times the global war on farmers and push to eat bugs Facts matter

Geoff Lawtons Chicken tractor

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