Amos 1&2 Before the earthquake? What earthquake?? Uzziah was the king in the days of Amos.

5 months ago

Amos 1:1
The words of Amos, who was among the sheepherders from Tekoa, which he envisioned in visions concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam son of Joash, king of Israel, two years
before the earthquake.

Amos means "burdened." Amos's heart was heavily burdened for the cause of Yahweh and the plight of the people. Clearly Amos was not a "professional" prophet like the numerous institutional or cultic prophets of
his day. He comes from the southern kingdom of Judah at Tekoa, six miles south of Bethlehem. Amos insisted that he was a common man. He did not consider himself to be a fancy orator and theologian. He says he was called by Elohim to go to the northern kingdom to be His spokesman Amos 7:15). The date of the writing of Amos is about 760 B.C. The reference in 1:1 to the reigns of Uzziah (of Judah) and Jeroboam II (of Israel), who reigned concurrently from 792 to 753 B.C., gives a general time period. The exact time of the earthquake is not known, but it was significant enough to become a point of reference for Amos. Amos speaks of the certainty of Judgment. He is a forerunner of three other eighth-century prophets: Hosea, Micah, and Isaiah. Each message from Amos is a message of judgment and also a call to repentance. Amos began by pronouncing judgment on the nations that surrounded Israel geographically. He then focused on Israel, predicting and interpreting the judgments of Yahweh upon them. Although the theme of judgment is common throughout the nine chapters, Amos does have brief passages of hope and predictions of restoration.

River Valley Torah Assembly

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