Warrior Ric Bosi Speaks to those not fighting back on what controlled opposition actually is.

6 months ago

Don’t like a few swears? Don’t listen. Heaven help your precious ears ... after all, protecting them is so much more important than fighting back and stopping your country, your life and your children’s future being stolen out from under your chicken shit arse...are they not?? 🤔
Want to fight? Easy. Go to nationalstrikeaustralia.org and sign the fucking motion. Find out how good fighting back feels. How empowering it is. How simple it is. Get off your arse, forget about whether or not your bin will be emptied FFS and TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK from these fkn belligerent occupying c*nts. Seriously. Where is your spine, Aussie??
Do you want to continue to be part of the problem or are you willing to be part of the solution? Simple question really... so I’ll ask it again... where is your spine. Aussie??

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