Heidi St. John on Faith, Education, and Politics

6 months ago

Heidi St. John is a passionate advocate for homeschooling and political activism. With over 30 years of experience, she knows the importance of teaching history from a biblical perspective and empowering mothers to take control of their children's education. Heidi and her husband initially made the unconventional decision to homeschool their children, and it has proven to be successful as they have raised well-rounded individuals. She encourages mothers to not be overwhelmed by the issues of the world but to be proactive and involved in shaping the future for their families. Heidi St. John is an inspiration to many as she continues to sound the alarm for the importance of homeschooling and being politically active.

Homeschooling & Political Engagement

During the podcast, Misty and Heidi touch on topics such as the moral root of political issues, the impact on children, and the role of the church in shaping national policies. As the country faces an inflection point, they emphasize the need for active engagement and the importance of bringing God back into politics.

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