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*Note: This is information that may not be acknowledged well. These are the opinions of RJ Spina.
RJ Spina: “These next six years will be the wildest ride that humanity has ever had, because everything is being exposed right now and even more will be exposed.”
RJ Spina: “There weren’t 12 Disciples Alex, there were 24 and 12 of them were women. Mary Magdalene is from the same Higher Self as Christ, the same amount and level of sentience, just as power, just as gifted as Christ. They absolutely had kids. Jesus lived to be 117.”
Buckle your seat belts for this ride the RJ Spina is about to take you on.
Imagine a world where the traditional narratives we’ve been taught about our history and spirituality are just the tip of the iceberg.
RJ Spina begins by unraveling one of the most captivating revelations: there weren’t just 12 disciples, but 24, half of whom were women.
This powerful statement challenges the conventional portrayal of Mary Magdalene, whom RJ describes as being from the same Higher Self as Christ—equally evolved, powerful, and gifted.
This insight reframes the story of Jesus and Mary, presenting them not just as historical figures but as deeply connected spiritual beings. As we venture further into the discussion, RJ shares his thoughts on the future of humanity.
He suggests that the next six years will be the wildest ride humanity has ever had, with more truths being exposed and lies being unraveled.
This period, according to RJ, will be a time of intense revelation and transformation. The idea that we are on the brink of such significant change is both thrilling and daunting, but RJ emphasizes that this is a necessary step for our collective awakening.
The missing years of Jesus: He went to Egypt, India, and many more places to study metaphysics – the secret mysteries that his Earthly father had mastered, like remembering incarnations, Reiki – the massive teachings were in India where Mahavatar Babaji spent years and years with Jesus reminding him how to become a Master and when he came back he was Christ.
Jesus could literally allow Archangel Micheal and his earthly father Master R (Joseph) to work through him at the same time. That was actually the Trifecta, the Trinity. Jesus could have done anything. There was literally nothing he couldn’t do.
He was NEO in the Matrix.
The main message of Jesus was that we ALL could be like him. We all have God within us.
RJ Spina says that the most active Ascended Masters are El Morya, who was actually Sri Yukteswar who comes from our God. The ascended masters come from the Elohim. The Elohim are mentioned in the Judaeo Christian texts.
There are 12 Gods that live within the Multiverse and we can think of their children as the Ascended Masters of the other Gods. They literally are not from here and they all have out of this world abilities.
El Morya, Sri Yuketeswar – is the only Ascended Master that is actually from our God. Master R (Saint Germain) do more work on the Earthly Plane than any other Ascended Master.
Mahavatar Babaji is the Master of all Masters – all the other Masters go to him.
He is by far, the most Evolved Being to ever walk the face of this Earth. He can materialize a body and dematerialize his body at will, anytime he wants to. He never ages.
Mahavatar Babji is everywhere and he is everything. The Master of Masters.
The one who quarterbacks the Masters is Saint Germain.
Mahavatar Babaji is still alive, still around and has been for longer than 2,500 years. He has a 25 year old body.
He doesn’t have an incarnation. He just shows up. He just materializes.
What are the 12 Elohim?
Elohim means Gods – plural.
Elohim is also in the King James version of the Bible.
This goes back to the Hindu and the Ascended Masters. The Hindu Masters talked about the Absolute or the “All that is.”
At one point this “All that is” became self-aware. But not fully self-aware because it just woke up and didn’t know anything itself on other planes of existence. The only mandate of existence is know thyself, so it wants to know and understand itself.
So the Absolute or the All that is created 12 Gods and send them down to begin creating and as you create they will learn about themselves and I’m going to learn about me because I’m within you and you are me.
We exist and are a creation of one of them.
We exist within one of the Elohim.
The Ascended Masters are Projection from all the Elohim – the 12 Gods. The Ascended Masters assist each other in their creations.
The Ascended Masters are the true teachers of humanity. They have been placed or projected into our environment.
So, this is a bit difficult to comprehend, but we help our God evolve as we ourselves evolve. So as we evolve, our higher selves evolve, as our higher selves evolves, God evolves. As God evolves, the Absolute or the “All that is” evolves.
I mentioned this in previous videos I have uploaded that if you Google Elohim, it is somewhat difficult to find as it has been removed from most bibles.
Francis Bacon edited the King James version. Francis Bacon is an incarnation of Master R (Saint Germain), he was Saint Joseph (Jesus’ Father), he was also Moses and was the one who edited the King James bible.
The Council of Nicea put together the bibles we are familiar with to control Christians.
People don’t like to hear this because it destroys the Foundation of Christianity.
Moses was talking to Archangel Micheal who dispensed the 10 Commandments.
Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ wife was not a whore. She was an ascended master in her own right. She was a soul mate of Jesus.
What is a Soul Mate?
So, we have the higher self. The higher self projects an aspect of the soul and is you or I. So, if someone is a Soul Mate – it is two projections from the Higher Self.
A Soul Mate is another component of YOURSELF – another component of your soul. A component of the larger you, but separate here on Earth.
A Twin Flame is when the Higher Self Projects a piece of itself and before incarnation takes place – it splits in two.
A Soul Group is different. We all come from a higher self. A soul group is a group of souls NOT from the same higher self, but from different higher selves that like to incarnate with each other – together, because they work well with each other. The more this occurs it forms a neural link with the souls.
Mary Magdalene is from the same higher self as Christ with the same amount and level of sentience, just as powerful and just as gifted – and is also an Ascended Master.
Jesus and Mary had children (Kryon says the same thing, but I think he said they had 5) – RJ Spina says they had SIX children.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross (RJ Spina, Bill Carson and Kryon) all say this. It does make a great story for humanity but it was made up by man to control humanity.
It was to REMOVE the power from each individual and make us rely on a Savior. It’s the we can’t save ourselves concept but we have to wait for a Savior.
What about Mary, Jesus’ mother – “Mother Mary?”
Mary was also an ascended master as was his father Joseph or Master R or Saint Germain – but Mary traveled with Jesus and died on the way to India somewhere by Pakistan – Alex says there is a movie about this.
Jesus did not die on the cross. There were 24 disciples and 12 of them were women. These 24 disciples were very evolved souls who were drawn to the truth and they knew the truth was Jesus.
They were trained by Jesus, Archangel Micheal and his Earthly Father, Joseph – Master R.
Master R was the master of the Mystic Arts.
RJ Spana’s version of the crucifixion and Kryon’s differ as Kryon said that they did put Jesus on the cross but he survived and RJ said that they created the illusion of the death and 3 days later Jesus returned – similar, but not the same.
Jesus was a high ascended master and could have stopped this anyway.
He didn’t die for OUR Sins – we are God, God is within each of us.
We are not born with “Original Sin.”
What about Baptism?
We don’t need to go to a pedophile priest (not all are pedo’s but we know some are and we know that the Catholic church just relocates them) and have that pedophile pour some water that he has “blessed” to atone for our sins that we are going to commit in the future.
The lies that we have been fed from day 1 are insane, but it’s a great story and people love their stories.
The Vatican – Roman Catholic Church is NOTHING about Jesus but about the illusion of Jesus and it is really about Power and Control of the people. It is just a Cabal tool in their massive tool chest.
We see people wearing a cross. Why would you want to wear something which was used to kill people? I never understood it.
It’s a monkey see monkey do type of thing, in my opinion. Christian’s love crosses. But I guess people can view it as love.
Jesus should be remembered as LOVE. We should also know his true message was that we all could be masters. We all have God within us.
That brings up the question of what is a Christian? In my personal view a Christian is someone who believes Jesus was of Love.
In other’s opinion it is that they believe Jesus is our Savior, our King, our God.
Jesus is the word, is the truth, is love. Treat each other as you yourself would like to be treated. Have love and compassion in your heart and have love & compassion for yourself and others. That’s what I think of when I think of Jesus.
If your father was tortured on a cross would you want to wear one around your neck?
What’s the deal with all those statues and symbolism in the Vatican? Where is the Art of Jesus displaying LOVE for his people.
The Vatican is not about Jesus.
Most churches are just branches that stem off from the Vatican.
What about Tithing?
Do we need churches in the first place?
Isn’t God supposed to be everywhere and in everything?
Why do we need to go to church for that special connection?
I believe Spirituality is the future. We don’t have to go to church to know the truth.
The final segment is about Astral Entities.
Do they exist? YES.
There are some of these that we would call evil and evil is a proclivity towards low frequency which is the opposite of love, the highest frequency.
What we call evil entities are devoid of love. They are dark and have been in the dark so long that light scares them. They are so removed from all nourishment of love that they don’t even know what love is anymore.
They have gone into the dark so far that they can’t even handle love & light.
This is why they spread fear – they know that fear lowers frequency and they survive and thrive in low frequency, that is their realm of function.
What about the female Ascended Master Quan Yin?
Quan Yin is a well-known Buddhist goddess of compassion and mercy who is also known as Guanyin and Kwan Yin.
She is a bodhisattva, which means she has attained enlightenment but has chosen to remain on Earth to help others attain enlightenment as well.
No soul is masculine or feminine. That is just a part of the physical Earth Body.
When we incarnate we decide what energies we are going to work with.
There are more Ascended Masters who have incarnated as male.
Masculine Energy is the energy that is inserted into the Feminine Energy. It is the feminine energy that holds the masculine energy. Feminine energy is every expanding.
The ascended master El Morya had female incarnates as Joan of Arch and Elizabeth I.
In those time periods Women were not recognized as respected figures in society.
There is 13 Original Ascended Master – the 12 Elohim and from the Absolute or “All that is” - Paramahansa Yogananda is the absolute, the all that is, he is an uncreated creation. The other 12 old school ascended masters come from the Elohim.
Quan Yin – she is to usher in the Age of Aquarius – she is the Goddess of Mercy. There is no one else like her. She absorbs all the suffering projects back LOVE.
All the Ascended Master have their roles to play, each one has a specialty or skill set.
Yogananda is the master of love.
Sri Yuketeswar Elmore is the master of the will.
Saint Germain is the master of mystic arts.
Buddha is the master of wisdom.
Jesus is the healer.
Think of each one of them like a slice of pizza – they make the whole of existence.
Over 50% of all countries are having an election this year. There could be some huge shifts of powers. Where is humanity heading?
Where we MOST Desire is where we are going to go. If we cave into fear, we will desire solutions from others.
If we come to self-realization and realize we have the power, we can break away from the grips of the global elite cabal bankers.
We have a choice – choose Love or choose Fear.
We must choose LOVE.
We are in an awakening process in which we are leaving behind the consciousness of what we once believed to be true and discovering that the truth we believed in was simply not true. We have been lied to.
We are Spiritually Detoxing and their pain and withdrawal and confusion with detox.
We are gong from dark to light.
It is a difficult process. We are beginning to choose love and compassion vs fear and war.
We are coming to at timeline crossroad – we can choose Freedom & Sovereignty or Tyranny.
Politics are the Entertainment Division of the Military Industrial Complex.
We are at a VERY, VERY important Junction in the Journey of Life on this planet. Consciousness is beginning to really expand, we are waking up – yet the Old Energy, the Global “Elite” so to speak are doing everything in their power to stop this awakening process and have their own Agenda on the future.
It is a matter of choosing their Agenda, which includes the old energies of tyranny or we can choose a brand New Agenda – one of Love, Compassion, and expanding Consciousness.
What Timeline will you choose?
Timecode / Topics Discussed:
0:00 - Episode Teaser
00:28 - What's happening in the next six years?
02:04 - What’s RJ Spina's new book about?
03:14 - What’s the difference between vibration and frequency?
06:37 - How do frequencies affect us?
07:47 - How do we connect with higher frequencies?
09:29 - How does meditation raise our frequency?
13:14 - What happens in a near-death experience?
17:08 - What is enlightenment?
20:22 - Are we moving into the fourth frequency?
24:45 - How does parallel existence affect us?
28:03 - What did Jesus do during the missing years?
31:58 - Did Jesus survive the crucifixion?
36:08 - Who is Mahavatar Babaji?
38:18 - What are the 12 Gods?
43:17 - How do Ascended Masters influence us?
50:00 - Was Mary Magdalene Jesus’s wife?
54:21 - What happened to Jesus and Mary after the crucifixion?
58:12 - Was the crucifixion an illusion?
1:02:32 - Why is the crucifixion important in Christianity?
1:03:59 - What are astral entities?
1:08:51 - How do astral entities attach to humans?
Source: Next Level Soul Podcast – Alex Ferrari --
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