Part 3: Why Do I Start Out Strong Then Shrink Back In Anxiety

6 months ago

There’s a common outcome I’ve observed in professional women after they’ve experienced narcissistic abuse.

Where once they were bold and confident when tackling challenging goals now even though they no longer have a narcissist in their face on a regular basis it seems like their…
...go get ‘em,
...take that hill,
...raise the bar,
...give me a good challenge,
...go after big goals
mojo has run dry.

There’s part of them that remembers when chasing after goals was fun. They laughed at the possibility of failure.

But now, post narcissist, not so much.

In a moment of boldness they’ll set a challenging goal but the inspiration and conviction that used to carry them through the messy middle and across the finish line now disappears early in the game, leaving them feeling frustrated, disheartened, and even embarrassed.

What’s going on here?

This week we’re going to tackle the question we’ve heard so many times,
“Why Do I Start Strong Then Shrink Back In Anxiety?”

Mon through Thurs of this week we’re going to unpack the contributing factors to this problem to demystify what’s going on.

Then on Friday we’ll give you 3 helpful steps to get you back on track and moving forward as you learn to believe in yourself and enjoy the process again.

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