Diana used Harry & Wills as a PR tool to hurt Charles - I saw it first hand, says royal photographer

6 months ago

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PRINCESS Diana used Harry and William as a PR tool to hurt the then-Prince Charles, claims a royal photographer.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show, Jim Bennett, who has spent years snapping the Firm, told how he saw Diana first-hand "using her sons" during the breakdown of her marriage.

He said: "My personal opinion is that she used the children, the two boys, a hell of a lot during that time.

"I know [the then-]Prince Charles only ever used the boys once to have publicity pictures, and that was at Balmoral.

"Diana had been using the boys a little bit as a tool, I shouldn't really say that but that's what it appeared to me.

"Maybe Charlie was doing the same, I really don't know."

Jim captured the world-famous snap of Di at Thorpe Park with Wills and Harry on the log flume in 1993.

He said back then, before the downfall of the royal marriage in 1996, the family were happy with photographers shooting genuine moments.

But shortly after, Diana would try "to get as much publicity against Charlie as she could".

Key moments:
00:32 - Jim's Royal Photography Career
03:53 - Queen Elizabeth II Encounters
10:37 - Princess Diana and Children
17:38 - Arranged Royal Photo Ops
25:34 - Charles and Camilla Scoop
28:05 - Recent Kate Middleton Photo
31:32 - Changes in Royal Photography
32:23 - Quickfire Royal Questions

Produced and edited by Rachael Clarke.

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